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They were hunted down, taken, and sent asunder. When unwanted was there placed ignominy. Long had their presence, their aura, their exi...

Wednesday 24 May 2017

Evil manifested in bombers and bloggers

This week, my blood was chilled, my soul ached, and my heart pained from two separate acts of evil.

The first evil act is known by everyone: the bombing in Manchester at an Ariana Grande concert. Scores of innocent concert goers looking for a good time with their favourite artist instead found fear and death. Twenty-two people are dead, with many, many more injured.

The suspected bomber is a 22-year old UK native of Libyan descent who, according to a family friend, distanced himself from others and was "lonely."

There is tragedy on both sides, for the victims and the perpetrator. Innocent lives were taken by a once innocent life perhaps warped with lies and hate. Evil corrupted a young man, who then enacted evil on others.

The second act of evil is less-known. On 22 May, 2017, it was reported that a South African hunter was crushed to death by a shot elephant. The killed elephant was unseen by the hunter when it fell on top of him.

There is tragedy on both sides, for the victim and the hunter. For me, the second act of evil was not the hunt, but the reaction to the hunter.

Putting aside the debate on the morals of hunting, I was appalled by social media's reaction to the death of a father of five children.

In a single glance, I was able to gauge the reaction of the readers:

12,000 likes, smiles, and hearts for a killed father.
I then read on:

Human families don't forget tragedies, either. 


If in the moment, would you have helped? Or laughed?

Once more, of many:

ISIS has had bad news as they lose grips on Mosul. They're thankful for 22-less Westerners in the world.

It seems to me that in both instances of a bomber and some bloggers, the same cloth of evil and hatred is stitched into all of us.

Lost in the wastes of heartlessness was at least one message of decency:

A bomber wanted to inflict terror and death on innocent life. Meanwhile, some Facebookers wanted the most severe pain and agony inflicted on a man.

We all have a tinge of hate and bloodlust in us.

Proverbs 24:17-18: Do not gloat when your enemy falls; when he stumbles, do not let your heart rejoice, 18 or the Lord will see and disapprove and turn his wrath away from him. 

Ezekiel 18:23: Do I take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the Sovereign Lord. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn from their ways and live?

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